ISDA條款中規定的Default及Early Termination
ISDA主契約條款第6條第(a)項約定:「If at any time an Event of Default with respect to a party(the "Defaulting Party")has occurred and is then continuing,the other party(the "Non-Defaulting Party") may,by not more than 20 days notice to the Defaulting Party specifying the relevant Event of Default, designate a day not earlier than the day such notice is effective as an Early Termination Date in respect of all outstanding Transactions.」(違約事件發生後之終止權利,在任何時候發生有關一方《以下簡稱違約方》之違約事件且在持續中,另一方《以下簡稱未違約方》得以通知期不超過20天之通知,通知違約方有關違約事件,並指定不早於通知生效之日期為有關所有未完成之交易之提前終止日)、同條第(e)項第(i)款約定:「If the Early Termination Date results from an Event of Default, the Early Termination Amount will be an amount equal to⑴the sum of (A)the Termination Currency Equivalent of the Close-out Amounts (whether positive or negative)determined by the Non-defaulting Party for each Terminated Transaction or group of Terminated Transactions, as the case may be, and(B)the Termination Currency Equivalent of the Unpaid Amounts owing to the Defaulting Party less ⑵the Termination Currency Equivalent of the Unpaid Amounts owing to the Non-defaulting Party.If the Early Termination Amount is a positive number,the Defaulting Party will pay it to the Non-defaulting Party;if it is a negative number,the Non-defaulting Party will pay the absolute value of the Early Termination Amount to the Defaulting Party」(如提前終止日係因違約事件產生,提前終止款項等於⑴以下(A)項與(B)項之和:(A)為未違約方就每一項終止交易或一組終止交易《視情況而定》決定之結算款項《無論是正數還是負數》相對於終止貨幣之金額;(B)為積欠未違約方之未付款項相當於終止貨幣之金額,減去⑵積欠違約方之未付款項相當於終止貨幣之金額。如該提前終止款項為正數,應由違約方向未違約方支付;如該提前終止款項為負數,未違約方應向違約方支付該金額之絕對值)(見原審卷一第47、49頁、本院卷第172、175、553頁)。AUDI公司未依比價確認書如期支付款項履行交割義務,依第2條第(a)項第(i)款、第5條第(a)項第(i)款之約定,構成違約事件,被上訴人依第6條第(a)項及第(e)項第(i)款約定,得通知催告上訴人,並有權提前終止契約,強制平倉結算交易款項。